Certificate of Professional Competence (Transport Managers, Haulage Licence) UK and Ireland
If you operate a goods vehicles over 3.5 tonnes you will require an Operator’s Licence. To obtain a standard licence you must hold the relevant Certificate of Professional Competence in Road Haulage (CPC) qualification. A Operator’s Licence is required for hire and reward operations and a Restricted Operator’s Licence for own account.

How you attain the Operator CPC Qualification, has Changed.
The EU Directive 96/26/EC now combines the national and international freight syllabus into one examination / qualification. It is no longer possible to attain just a national CPC qualification.
CPC Course Syllabus
- National & International Syllabus -
Sandy Arthur Training Services was one of the first training organisations to provide CPC courses. You may find cheaper courses on the market but we guarantee top quality instruction and value for money. We provide courses for multi-national companies, owner-drivers and private individuals, all of whom receive the same high quality training.
- Structure of Law
- Business and Company Law
- Social Legislation
- Financial Management Techniques
- Commercial Conduct of Business
- General Insurance
- Vehicle Maintenance
- General Traffic Regulations
- Vehicle Taxation
- Marketing
- Methods of Operating
- Operator Licensing
- Weights and Dimensions of Vehicles
- Vehicle Selection
- Safety of Loads
- Mechanical Condition
- Driver’s Hours and records
- Vocational Driving Licences
- Speed Limits
- Traffic Accident Procedure and Vehicle and Goods Insurance
- Import / Export Procedures
- Community Transit System
- Customs Documentation
- Road Permits & Tariffs
- Driver’s Hours of Work & The Tachograph
- Vehicle and Goods Insurance
- Vehicle Costing
- Route Planning
- Technical Standards of Operating and Road Traffic Regulations
- Guarantee of Quality
Upcoming Courses;
November/December 2023
CALL TO BOOK 028777 22221